Chemical peels are liquids brushed on to the face removing dead skin cells and stimulating the development of new cells. This treatment aims to improve the look and feel of the skin.
Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck or hands. They can be used to reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. They treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging. They can also improve the appearance of mild scars, age spots, freckles and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills.
The procedure consists of cleansing the facial skin thoroughly. Following this, one or more chemical solutions are applied to small areas of the skin. This creates a controlled wound, letting new skin take its place.
Skin cells are removed from the top and middle layers of the skin. The chemical peel is left on the skin for a few minutes.
During the chemical peel, most people feel a burning or sensation may be felt when peel is applied that lasts about 5-10 minutes.
The skin may go red or brown in the days following the treatment and it can take up to 6 weeks for the skin to return to normal. Usually recommended every 6-12 months to maintain the effects of the treatment.
As the skin heals your skin may be more sensitive following treatment and it is important to protect the skin by wearing sunscreen.